Self Assessment

I feel that my most recent blog meets all of the rubric criteria. While my earlier blogs did not meet the rubric, I feel that I have fixed all of the mistakes for my most recent blogs. Writing a blog is sometimes confusing to me as there are completely different rules for writing a blog than an essay. For example,e you do not indent at the start of a paragraph and you make much shorter sections for the blog. This takes some getting used to but I believe I have got it down. I am putting a lot of effort into my blog posts. I make sure to do lots of research for the facts I write in my blogs to make sure that I only use information from trustworthy sources. I also make sure to proofread and check my blog with the sample so as not to make simple mistakes. Also, while I do procrastinate, I always make sure that I have a well-written blog post turned in on time. I always make sure to review my blog posts for grammatical and spelling errors before turning in my paper. I always run my bl...