Self Assessment


I feel that my most recent blog meets all of the rubric criteria. While my earlier blogs did not meet the rubric, I feel that I have fixed all of the mistakes for my most recent blogs.

Writing a blog is sometimes confusing to me as there are completely different rules for writing a blog than an essay. For example,e you do not indent at the start of a paragraph and you make much shorter sections for the blog. This takes some getting used to but I believe I have got it down.

I am putting a lot of effort into my blog posts. I make sure to do lots of research for the facts I write in my blogs to make sure that I only use information from trustworthy sources. I also make sure to proofread and check my blog with the sample so as not to make simple mistakes. Also, while I do procrastinate, I always make sure that I have a well-written blog post turned in on time.

I always make sure to review my blog posts for grammatical and spelling errors before turning in my paper. I always run my blog post through a grammar checker before turning it in to make sure that I did not miss anything. This helps me create quality blog posts where someone would not get distracted by my grammatical mistakes.

I am quite comfortable with posting these blog posts online for other students to see. As a dual enrollment student in a class with college students, I know none of the other students in my class. This means that after this semester I will likely never see any of these people again so it does not matter if they read my blogs or not.

In class, it would be helpful if we went over some of the smaller details of the blog posts. I have had points taken off my first few blog posts as I did not know a lot of the minor things like putting the text on the side of the picture instead of having the picture just at the top with the text below it. Lots of this stuff would have been helpful to know before I had points taken off for it.

I have learned lots of things about blogs this year. The main thing is that writing a blog is completely different from any other writing I have done in the past. Blog posts have an entirely different structure than typical essays and are made up of smaller paragraphs. Using pictures is also completely new to me and the fact that you do not indent blog paragraphs is interesting.


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