About Me
My name is Dylan and I am a senior in high school and I am currently dual enrolling with Georgia Gwinnett College. I am 17 years old and have lived in Georgia for all of my life. I am interested in majoring as an electrical engineer after I graduate from high school. My favorite subjects are science, technology, engineering, and math courses or STEM courses. In my future, I want to work as an electrical engineer at one of Elon Musks' companies like Space X or Neuralink. Working at one of these companies is my dream job as I am incredibly interested in outer space, artificial intelligence, the human brain, and improving upon natural human abilities. If you do not know what either of those companies are, I would recommend looking into them as it is extremely interesting. One of my main hobbies is that I like to play lacrosse. I have been playing lacrosse since I was in the sixth grade so I was very excited when my high school started a team. I actually h...